Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Family Picture!

We just took a new family picture! We go to Delta and this amazing guy comes down every year as a fundraiser for the cheerleaders and takes pictures. The Griffiths' always take a picture of us all together and we take the opportunity to take our family picture as well! This year Keith and Laurie gave it to us as a wonderful Mother's Day present! So this is Joshua, Liz, Casey and Acacia Griffiths! I thought it would be cool if everyone might post a family picture so we can see all the kids and their names next to them... If you can - that would be great!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

World Class Graduate!

Thought I would post the video for those interested!

The Tassel’s Worth the Hassle!

My Uncle Terwilliger on the Art of Eating Popovers
By Theodor Geisel, a.k.a. Dr. Seuss

My uncle ordered popovers
From the restaurant's bill of fare.
And, when they were served,
He regarded them with a penetrating stare . . .

Then he spoke great Words of Wisdom
As he sat there on that chair:
“To eat these things,” said my uncle,
“You must exercise great care.”

“You may swallow down what's solid . . .
BUT . . .
You must spit out the air!”

And as you partake of the world's bill of fare,
That's darned good advice to follow.
Do a lot of spitting out the hot air
And be careful what you swallow!

~ Dr. Seuss

[An original poem composed for the 99th Commencement of
Lake Forest College by Theodor Seuss Geisel; June 4, 1977

Mckenzie graduated from Lone Peak High School on May 28, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.—a class of almost 700! A year ago when I began going to a new health professional I expressed the desire to be able to attend my youngest daughter's graduation activities this year. However, I had no idea how that was going to happen, as I still had little men hammering in my brain and difficulty being upright for great lengths of time! So I'm so grateful to have participated and been able to be there and witness her final days of high school. I even got to see her last three school plays!

Following the graduation ceremony, the school bused all the graduates to a "fun center" for an all night grad party. They returned everyone at 5:30 a.m. They weren't allowed to attend the party if they didn't go on the bus. I think they've discovered by trial and error that they have more control when not having the party at the school, where they can come and go freely. So now instead of our donations, they just ask for a specific fee and they do everything! It was kinda’ nice though and Kenz had fun—rides, games, skating, movies, and food!

Things have changed in other ways too since our last graduate. I guess we no longer rent the caps and gowns! It appears that we purchased them with our grad package! Who knew? I assumed it was a rental fee. Kenzi wore her cap and gown home and didn't have to turn it in to get her real diploma! Maybe the cost of cleaning just isn't worth it anymore in our “throw away” world. Also, the graduates weren't allowed to throw their caps in the air after they were congratulated. It is apparently politically offensive to some group or another! It’s a different world for sure—kinder in some ways, yet so politically aware of offending others that some fun traditions have been discontinued. ~ By Linda

Here’s our Mckenzie in the grad necklaces her sister’s made (they also weren’t allowed to wear these until after the ceremony—only their traditional cap and gown and honor’s cords).

Ashley made a necklace of chocolate and candy—a must for every grad! Liz made the traditional necklace of electrical tape, safety chain, plugs, lamps, and tie line wrapped in R35 gel—in honor of her technical theater experience in high school! Just what every girl needs!

Seriously, all her sisters spoil her and are very supportive of their baby sis. Now she’s off to the Y in the fall! She’s excited!!

“The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race!” 
~ Susan St. James